install.packages(c("tidyverse", "patchwork"))
(To) Plotting Dental Inventory with ggplot2
This is a tutorial on an intuitive (or at very least, pretty) way to visualise dental inventory in a sample. It requires only a basic knowledge of R, and, of course, that you have installed it along with RStudio.
Required packages:
- tidyverse
- patchwork
To install the packages (if needed):
Load data and packages
<- readr::read_csv("") dental_inv
The variables are:
variable name | description |
id | skeletal identifier |
t11:18; t21:28; t31:38; t41:48 | status of tooth (t + FDI notation). p = present; m = missing; dna = removed for dna sampling; aml = antemortem loss. |
Convert data to long format
First step is to convert the data to long format with the pivot_longer
function. This will take all of the tooth columns and combine them to two columns; one with the tooth name, and one with the tooth status.
<- dental_inv %>%
dental_inv_long pivot_longer(-id, names_to = "tooth", values_to = "status")
dental_inv_long slice_head(n = 10) # show first 10 entries
# A tibble: 10 × 3
id tooth status
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 id08 t11 p
2 id08 t12 p
3 id08 t13 m
4 id08 t14 p
5 id08 t15 p
6 id08 t16 p
7 id08 t17 p
8 id08 t18 m
9 id08 t21 p
10 id08 t22 m
It would also be useful to have a column that indicates to which region of the mouth the tooth belongs.
<- c(paste0("t", 11:18), paste0("t", 21:28))
maxilla <- c(paste0("t", 21:28), paste0("t", 31:38))
<- dental_inv %>%
dental_inv_long pivot_longer(
:t48, names_to = "tooth",
t11values_to = "status"
) mutate(
region = if_else(tooth %in% maxilla, "maxilla", "mandible"),
side = if_else(tooth %in% left, "left", "right"), .before = status
Prepare separate plots
Indicate order of the teeth in each region as in the FDI diagram shown above. starting from the upper right third molar. We will use this to reorder the teeth shown in the plot.
<- c(paste0("t", 18:11), paste0("t", 21:28))
upper_order <- c(paste0("t", 48:41), paste0("t", 31:38))
lower_order upper_order
[1] "t18" "t17" "t16" "t15" "t14" "t13" "t12" "t11" "t21" "t22" "t23" "t24"
[13] "t25" "t26" "t27" "t28"
[1] "t48" "t47" "t46" "t45" "t44" "t43" "t42" "t41" "t31" "t32" "t33" "t34"
[13] "t35" "t36" "t37" "t38"
The plots for the maxilla and mandible are prepared separately, then combined with the patchwork package.
First, the plot of the maxillary dentition:
# Plot for the maxillary dentition
<- dental_inv_long %>%
maxilla_pl filter(region == "maxilla") %>% # we only want maxillary teeth
mutate(tooth = factor(tooth, levels = upper_order)) %>% # make sure the order on the plot is according to the order the teeth are positioned in the mouth
ggplot(aes(x = tooth, fill = status)) +
geom_bar(position = "stack") + # stacked bar plot
scale_x_discrete(position = "top") + # move x-axis text to top
scale_fill_viridis_d() # colour-blind-friendly pallette
Then, the plot of the mandibular dentition:
# Plot for the mandibular dentition
<- dental_inv_long %>%
mandible_pl filter(region == "mandible") %>%
mutate(tooth = factor(tooth, levels = lower_order)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = tooth, fill = status)) +
geom_bar(position = "stack") +
Combine plots
UPDATE: The two dental plots are combined using the patchwork package. Thanks @jfy133 for bringing it to my attention! (and of course @thomasp85, the package developer).
We will combine them using /
instead of +
, because we want one on top of the other to mimic the maxilla’s and mandible’s position in the mouth:
/ mandible_pl maxilla_pl
The plot_layout()
function allows us to easily combine the shared legends and axes.
/ mandible_pl + plot_layout(guides = "collect", axis_titles = "collect") maxilla_pl
We can also add shared theme elements
/ mandible_pl +
maxilla_pl plot_layout(guides = "collect", axis_titles = "collect") &
theme_minimal() +
panel.grid = element_blank(), = element_blank() # remove the extra x-axis title
And done! This gives (in my opinion) a nice, intuitive overview of the dental inventory in a sample, and could also be used to look at dental diseases (caries, calculus, periodontitis, etc).